Saturday, November 14, 2009

Loving being a mom

So I love being a mom! Jayden makes it so much fun. She is changing and growing so fast. Sometimes when she wakes up in the morning or from a nap she looks completely different from when I laid her down. It's so crazy.
She does lots of new things and she says Mama, Dada, Nana, Baba. Of course just the sylabols. She has said dada for a long time, and I LOVE hearing mama! It's just the best. She doesn't crawl yet, but she scoots around on her bottom and makes her way around the room, she eyes something that she wants and she scoots her way to it. It's adorable!
Hmm.. what else does she do that's new?? Her laugh is so sweet. She has been laughing for a while, but I don't know if I ever posted about it. It's just the sweetest sound. Denny can really get her laughing. So cute.
Just had to post about how much we love our little girl. She is our little entertainer. I could watch her forever!
Oh! I almost forgot! Jayden CLAPS! So funny. I just say YAY! and she starts clapping (well almost everytime), she smiles and starts clapping and gets so excited.

1 comment:

Kelli S said...

I LOVE this post.
Jayden is adoreable!