Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Jayden sings all the time! Her newest songs are Jesus wants me for a sunbeam and the nursery's clean up song (her cousins sing it, that's how she learned the clean up song).

Jayden is amazing you start either playing or singing a song and she is singing along in tune!!

She will continue to sing it later or another day and it's perfect. I can't believe it! She is so musical I LOVE IT! So glad she likes to sing, I hope that never changes.

Birthday & Swimming

Traci, Kelli & Kaleb!
Cute little Denver! Just love this girl!

Cute little Tatelin :o) She is just so adorable!

We all went over to Traci's to celebrate Kaleb's 4th Birthday! He wasn't feeling well but was a sport and we went swimming, opened presents and had cake!
I'm a little late on this post His birthday was June 23rd


This is the T-Shirt I bought for Jayden to remember our trip to Indiana! (The hat her Grandma Bland bought her in Indiana it was nice to keep the sun out of her eyes when she would actually keep in on).


Jayden LOVES shoes! It's the cutest thing! She has two pairs of shoes and loves them! She always brings them to me to put them on her. I love it.
I took this picture one Sunday, I had put her sandals on but she wanted her tennis shoes :o)

Bland Family Reunion

This picture was actually taken after the reunion at Traci's by their pool! Jayden loves the water
Here is Jayden and Zadok they were born 1 day apart (Zadok on March 21, 2009 and Jayden March 22, 2009 So glad they were able to meet!
Here is Jayden with Zadok's sister Maliya
Family picture with Grandma & Grandpa Bland

Here is Brittany, Crystal, Mickelle and me :o) I just love those girls!

Here is all the family that came to Indianapolis for the reunion. This picture is taken in front of my Aunt Pat & Uncle Randy's home where we had the reunion
Sorry this pic is sideways, we went swimming one day and of course she loved the water but also loved walking around.
Kelli didn't want me to take her picture, but I took it anyway, here is what you get Kelli when you don't smile, I just take it anyway :o)
Jayden was having a blast running around in front of Randy and Pat's home. She is just too cute.

Jayden and I were able to go to Indianapolis, Indiana for our big Bland Family Reunion! It was so much fun! Very humid and hot, but soo much fun. Jayden did great and had a blast with cousins.