Thursday, May 27, 2010


Jayden now signs:

All done





.. I can't think of what else!

She sings:

Old MacDonald had a farm

Twinkle twinkle little star


Happy Birthday

She says:





Happy day


Bye bye

Buh bye

Here you go

Thank you

I can't remember what else

She sings all day long some days. She loves to read books! She turns the pages and points to the words and pictures.

Everything she does is so cute. She thinks she is really funny laughs after she says stuff.

She walks everywhere! Its so cute!!

I love every minute of it.

She doesn't ever give Denny attitude. She gives me attitude all the time!!! Its so funny. She also throws these little tantrums, when things don't go her way! Arches her back. Throws herself on the floor puts her face in the carpet and cries mostly fake cries.

I don't get it.. she is 1.. isn't that a 2 year old thing?

She also loves phones!!! She puts it up to her ear and says hi and goes on And on. Sometimes she puts random toys up to her ear and acts like it's a phone.

We just love her!!!!


Trac said...

This is a great post, you'll be so glad you did and so will Jayden. :) This is so much easier than scrapbooking!

Shirleen Bland said...

She also says "What's That", and she loves her grandma :)

Trac said...

I remember something else she says. "Mommy, where are you?" Can't wait to see her tomorrow.