Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Trip to the Temple

This is Denny and Doug outside the Temple Doing their 'Captain Morgan' pose! Ha! So funny. They totally kill me! I was lucky to keep the camera still enough to take it.
Doug had just done all his temple work in preparing to leave for his mission to the Philippians next month! It was great experience. We are all so happy for him.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Yes, I've had this blog for months and am finally posting something!!

This is our new home.. all covered in snow! As you can see I cleared our walk way.. not with a snow shovel, but a dust pan.. my arm was sooo tired and sore it was maybe 3 or 4 inches deep.. Then it snowed the next day. Gee all my hard work for nothing!
We love our new house and are enjoying every minute of it. We were glad to be in our new home before the holidays hit. So we enjoyed Thanksgiving, Christmas and the New Year in our new place. I'm still getting organized. I move a little slow around here. Sometimes it's hard to come up with the energy after work, to come home and work some more!

Denny's Birthday

Denny's birthday! 25 years old! This is us with our nephew Connor! What a little cutie! We were over at Denny's sister's home, Sheri. Who Denny Shares his birthday with! They are exactly one year apart. (Connor is Sheri's little boy)