This is me a little before I was ready to start pushing
Denny all in his scrubs ready to come into the Operation room
This is them showing her to me for the first time, she is still connected to me.
Denny holding Jayden in the Operation Room
Family picture
Another family picture
This picture was taken today! :o) How cute is she!?!
Jayden has joined our family!! She was born Sunday March 22nd at 1:58pm. She weighed 7lbs 5oz, and was 19 1/4 in long, and has lots of hair! :o)
I was in Labor for 26 hours, 12 was hard labor. We had gone to the hospital on Saturday morning when my contractions were 3 minutes apart, they weren't painful but we went anyway. They monitored me for a couple hours, which an hour of that my contractions were a minute to a minute and a half apart, and by then they were starting to be a little painful. They told me to come back that night if the contractions stayed the same. We came back at 10pm since they hadn't changed and by 11pm I was given a shot of Morphine to help me sleep, they had me stay at the hospital, cause if in the morning the contractions stayed the same they were going to induce labor. I was woken up at 3am by a very painful contraction, Denny was wonderful and helped me get through the contractions. I had to wait until 5am to receive an epidural, someone was ahead of me. By about 530 I was numb pretty much just on my left side and I had to wait again for him to come back and make it so my right side would go numb too. After that was much better! It was wonderful not being able to feel those contractions since I was only feeling them in my lower back. At 10:30 I was Dilated to a 10 and was ready to push Denny, my mom and my sister Julie were in the room with me, I pushed for 2 1/2 hours, she wasn't moving past a certain point, so they told me that they would need to do a c-section since the baby was fitting through, plus her head was face up which made things a little harder. We were totally okay with that, I was so tired from all the pushing.
Denny came in the OR, and brought the camera and took great pictures. I had lots of drugs in me so I was very drowsy.. I could hardly keep my eyes open during the surgery. Denny held my hand, and was a great support.
She came out happy and healthy and so beautiful!!!! Denny went to the nursery with the nurse and showed off his new daughter to the family that was waiting. Just before 3 I was back in my room where Denny and Jayden were waiting. No family could come in for about an hour or so while they monitored Jayden and me. I can't really remember very much more of that day I could hardly keep myself awake. Denny told me I would start talking and then fall asleep.
We stayed in the hospital until Wednesday afternoon.
We are now home and enjoying life with our beautiful daughter! Denny is so great with her and she loves being held by him, and his voice is very soothing to her. He helps with diaper changes and brings her to me for feedings (since I had a c-section I don't move around too well).
We feel so blessed to be parents to Jayden, she is so adorable and such a little angel!
No worries more pics to come!!! :0)
Congrats! You are a precious little family.:)
Congratulations! I am so glad to finally see that cute little girl! Isn't it fun? It only gets better, enjoy!
OH Cyndi she is soooo cute. I can't wait to see her. Put lots of pics up all the time! I love to see her and show the kiddos! She looks like I thought Macey would look like. All of her hair is just precious!
I miss her too much! You guys are just the cutest little family! :o) Good job on doing so great!
Congratulations! You are a trooper! She is beautiful. I can't believe all the hair. Enjoy every moment and don't try to do too much too soon.
Love the pics, glad you're up to blogging and sharing the pics. You're awesome! She's just so beautiful, and y'all make an awesome family. She couldn't have picked a better one! Love ya
Congratulations Cindy and Denny!! I've been popping in here hoping for pics!! She is adorable, and geeze she already has a ton of gorgeous hair!!
Our labors sound so similar! I went in to the hospital Monday Morning and Leif wasn't born until Wednesday morning via c-section as well.
I hope your recovery goes well! Congratualations again! :)
Oh Congratulations guys! She is so beautiful! Cyndi you looked amazing after all those hours of Labor!!! I was thinking you guys must have had her since you didn't post for a while! I am sure you are just enjoying every little moment! Wishing you all the best!
Congratulations Cyndi! She is so beautiful! I love all that hair! : ) I'm so glad you documented how the whole day went... It all sounds so special! SO happy for you!!!!
Yay! She is finally here! Congrats you guys, she is beautiful! I have been waiting anxiously to hear how things went. I am sorry to hear that labor took so long and that you had to have a C section. I am glad however, to hear all went well. We wish you a speedy recovery. She is so cute.
It just doesn't get any cuter! Congratulations to you both. Jayden is beautiful! Love you guy's.... hugs, G
yay congrats congrats!!! SHE's out now !!!
congrats cyn.. pushing is the worst... and they used forcepts on my because taylor was face up too. luckily that worked. love ya
Congratulations! she is georgous, I hope your getting some sleep.
Awww! Denny is a good, supportive dad and husband. Just as I suspected!
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